Premier Place
Condominium Association is seeking two owners to fill a two-year term on the
Board effective November 1, 2013, and the following owners have been nominated
for these positions: David Fauman, Klaus
Heinert, Teresa Kenney and Birgit Yetter. A first-class letter with their biographies was sent to you on October 23.
As previously indicated, the election will be held at the Clubhouse on Monday, November 4 at 5:30
p.m.; feel free to
drop off proxies and ballots in advance if you cannot make it on this date.
As in the past, we
will open up the floor for nominations and write-ins at this meeting. Per the By-Laws, each unit is entitled to one (1) vote. Thank you.
Board Members
Dan Carter, David
Fauman, Steve Nicolas, Janet Wolf and Birgit Yetter
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