Thursday, November 14, 2013


The Board updated "Resident Rules" at its meeting today, which is a summary of the association's by-laws and restrictions for quick reference...

The following guidelines apply to all residents of Premier Place.  This does not replace the requirements set forth in the lease.  The by-laws establish additional rules that are not included in this document and remain in force.   Management is responsible for distributing the rules to all residents, and residents are responsible for reading and complying with the rules.


1.      Occupant is limited to two domesticated pets of the dog and cat variety.  This means one cat and one dog, or two dogs, or two cats.  The Board may require immediate and permanent removal of any pet exhibiting aggressive behavior or in violation of other rules.
2.      All cats and dogs must be on a leash.
3.      Animals may be tied up outside on the patio area only with the owner present.
4.      All pet owners will pick up waste left by dogs and use the designated areas for dog relief.  The preferred areas for pet toileting are the woods or in the empty field at the north end of the development.  If necessary, the area behind the garages (along the road) may be used with care to avoid plantings and the garage siding.
5.      A $50 fine will be issued for not picking up dog feces or allowing a dog or cat to run loose on the property. 
6.      Pet waste must be stored in bags in trash receptacles and not on porches or patios.


1.      Overnight parking/storage of house trailers, commercial vehicles, boat trailers, boats, camping vehicles, snowmobiles, snowmobile trailers, or vehicles other than automobiles is prohibited.
2.      Each condominium is guaranteed one spot in the parking lot in addition to the garage space.
3.      Some buildings’ residents have chosen to assign numbered parking places to units and post a sign restricting parking in numbered spaces with violators subject to towing.  Friends and family are prohibited from parking vehicles on the property when they are not actual on-site guests of the condominium.
4.      Residents are required to register their vehicles with management, along with the vehicles of overnight guests staying longer than one week.
5.      Violations of parking rules will result in a written warning placed on the vehicle for the first complaint.  Additional complaints will result in towing at the vehicle owner’s expense.  Management will not routinely patrol the lots looking for violators, but will investigate possible violations identified by residents.


1.      The clubhouse may be used daily from 9 am to midnight.  The maximum capacity is 50.
2.      The resident must make the reservation in person at the clubhouse and sign a form agreeing to the terms of use.  The lower level and pool are not available for private use such as birthday parties.
3.      A $100 cash deposit must be made at least one week in advance of the event or the reservation will be cancelled.  The cash will be returned after the event minus the costs for additional cleaning or repairs.  A resident may opt to leave a deposit on file with management.
4.      The resident who reserved the clubhouse must be present during the entire event.
5.      The clubhouse must be left in the same condition it was found.  User is responsible for cleaning after the event and providing necessary supplies. 
6.      No smoking or pets are allowed in the clubhouse. 
7.      Decorations, etc. should not be attached to walls and ceilings and electrical outlets should not be overloaded.
8.      The swimming pool, showers, office, and gym may not be used by those attending the event.
9.      All noise and activities should be limited to the inside of the building, and the doors should remain closed to respect the rights of neighbors.
10.  Upon departure, all doors must be locked and windows closed.  Keys should be left in the office drop box. 
11.   It is recommended that the user document any problems with the space ahead of the event to avoid any undeserved charges afterwards.

Note:  Other residents may not use the main floor clubhouse while another resident has reserved its use.  The lower level may always be used by residents even if the upstairs is reserved for a private event.  Residents should enter the lower level through the pool entrance when weather permits.


General:  Decorative items may be secured with magnetic or 3M stickers.  Nails/screws may not be used on doors, stone work, siding or pillars.  The cost of removing these items will be charged to the resident. 

             Front area:
1.      No resident shall perform any landscaping or plant any trees, shrubs or flowers upon the common elements in the front of the building.  Ornamental items will be limited to flowers in pots in the front of the building. Furniture is limited to non-plastic, neutral-toned chairs or a bench.  Requests for an exception to this rule will be made in writing to management.

2.      Holiday decorations may include colored lights and wreaths/swags on the front door.  Lights must be removed by January 30. 

Back area:
3.      Residents may “personalize” the space behind their condo with the following requirements;

      A written plan must be submitted to management prior to making any changes.

 Modifications must not exceed the back edge of the patio.

 Temporary pavers may be added to either side of the patio, up to a limit of 12 inches and must match the concrete color.

 Existing plantings must not be removed or damaged. The space must be returned to its original state if requested by the association.

 Personal plantings must fit the existing plan, and the mulch must be the same as used by the association.

 Grills and furniture may be stored on the concrete patio during the winter.

 Owners who have modified their back areas prior to issuing these guidelines may apply to the Board for an exception.


1.      The color of the window treatments on the exterior side of the windows must be white. Exceptions will be made for owners who violated this rule prior to publication of this document. 
      Sills and windows on the front side of the building will be kept clear of decorations.

2.       In keeping with fire codes, there will be no portable or permanent fire pits (or similar item) placed  on the patio, and these items may not be used in the common areas.

3.       Garbage cans may be put out for collection after 6 PM the night before collection day and must  be stored in the garage by the end of the day following collection. 

4.       Door-to-door solicitation is not allowed on the premises unless approved by the Board.  This rule applies to all fundraisers sponsored by schools, girl scouts, sport teams, etc. 

5.      Cigarette butts should not be dropped in the common spaces, and residents should be considerate of their neighbors before deciding to smoke on the patios and porches. 

Article XII (A) of the by-laws provides the necessary authority to hold people accountable.  The rental agreement covers compliance for the renters.

Most violations would result in a three-step process:
1.       Written warning
2.       $50 fine
3.       $100 fine

An appeal process is provided for in the by-laws.  One exception is a parking violation which will result in towing at the auto owner’s expense if the written warning is ignored.   Another exception is property damage which, if the owner’s fault and responsibility, will be repaired with the costs billed to the owner.

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